This article deals with the measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full.
The principle of measurement consists in creating a local restriction in the fluid flow within a pressurised flow, which generates a pressure difference within the fluid which is related to the mass flow. There are as many flowmeters based on this principle as there are mechanically possible implementations of this local restriction.
The best known are diaphragms or orifice plates, venturis and nozzles. The strength of this measurement technology lies in the fact that it benefits from extensive international standardization documents and exhaustive feedbacks.
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Read the articleAUTHOR
Emmanuel THIBERT: Doctor-Engineer - EDF Research and Development, Chatou, France
The industrial flowmeter market currently offers a large number of different types of instruments, the main ones of which can be classified as follows:
differential pressure flowmeters (also known as depressurizers), rotameters ;
weirs and channels ;
turbine flowmeters, meters ;
electromagnetic flowmeters, ultrasonic flowmeters ;
oscillating flowmeters.
Each of these types of flowmeter has its own preferred field of application, depending on the fluid, measurement range and accuracy requirements.
Depressurized orifice flowmeters are widely used in industry, both for liquids and for gases and vapors, whether clean or slightly contaminated.
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flow metering | standardization | tuyeres | Uncertainties | pressure differential devices | pressure differential | discharge coefficient | venturis
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Differential pressure flowmeters
Standards and norms
- Flow measurement of fluids by means of depressurizers inserted in loaded pipes of circular cross-section – Part 1: General principles and requirements. Association française de normalisation Afnor - NF EN ISO 5167-1 - juin 2022
- Flow measurement of fluids by means of depressurizers inserted in loaded pipes of circular cross-section – Part 2: Diaphragms - NF EN ISO 5167-2 - Juin 2022
- Flow measurement of fluids...
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
ISO eprimogenic devices
Flow Measurement Technology
Berger SA
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