Drinking water systems must be protected against threats that could compromise integrity, service quality and business continuity. A Water Security Plan can help mitigate intentional threats - sabotage, cyber attacks and contamination - by implementing timely resilience measures to reduce service disruption and cascading effects. The paper provides a roadmap to water utilities and decision makers for assessing security risks to drinking water infrastructure and key elements for enhancing detection capabilities.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Montserrat BATLLE RIBAS: Senior Innovation Specialist Adasa Sistemas, Barcelona, Spain
Thomas BERNARD: Group Manager - Fraunhofer IOSB, Karlsruhe, Germany
Eyal BRILL: Owner Decision Makers Ltd, Shoam, Israel
Maria Rosario COELHO: Head of Laboratory Aguas do Algarve, Faro, Portugal
Maria Fátima COIMBRA: Executive Advisor Águas de Portugal, Lisboa, Portugal
Jochen DEUERLEIN: Associate Director 3S Consult GmbH, Office Karlsruhe, Germany
Peter GATTINESI: Advisor on water infrastructure and security United Kingdom
Philipp HOHENBLUM: Senior Water Expert Environment Agency Austria, Vienna, Austria
Pierre PIERONNE: National water quality expert Technical Division, SUEZ Water France, Paris, France
Jordi RAICH: European project manager s::can GmbH, Vienna, Austria
Luís SIMAS: Senior Adviser Quality Department, ERSAR, Lisbon, Portugal
Rui TEIXEIRA: Head of Division Water Division and Sanitation, Municipality of Barreiro, Barreiro, Portugal
Rita UGARELLI: Chief Scientist SINTEF Community, Oslo, Norway
Andreas WEINGARTNER: CEO CasAgua Consulting GmbH, Traunkirchen, Austria
Monica CARDARILLI: Project Officer European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra (VA), Italy
Georgios GIANNOPOULOS: Team Leader European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra (VA), Italy
The purpose of the Water Security Plan (WSecP) is the planning and implementation of preparedness, prevention, response and recovery strategies against malicious attacks on drinking water supply systems. Deliberate contamination could impact many people and disrupt interconnected services.
The Water Security Plan focuses on the protection and resilience of drinking water infrastructure against intentional threats and provides guidance for water utilities and decision makers. These proposals have been developed from operational experiences of using innovative real-time monitoring tools and technologies. Benefits from the latest tools and technologies include improved resource allocation and optimization, and developing more effective security solutions for water supply systems.
The concept has been elaborated to cover attacks along the entire distribution range from water source to tap, and addresses both large and small water utilities.
The paper provides the framework upon which the Water Security Plan should be elaborated, such as methodologies, system components, best practices and future perspectives. The aim is not to be exhaustive but rather to offer an overarching picture of the key elements which should be considered and implemented by water operators to enhance drinking water security.
The proposed Water Security Plan guidance has been produced by the ERNCIP Thematic Group on “Chemical and Biological Risks to Drinking Water”. The paper concludes with some recommendations and practical observations for drinking water suppliers.
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drinking water infrastructure | security planning | intentional contamination | events detection
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Water security plan
Bibliographical sources
Bibliographical sources
European Commission, “Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council”, Off. J. Eur. Communities, 2000.
The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, “Directive (EU) 2020/2184, EU (revised) Drinking Water Directive”, Off. J. Eur. Communities, vol. 2019, p. 1-62, dec. 2020.
European Commission, “Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament...
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ADASA, Barcelona, Spain https://www.adasasystems.com/
Águas de Portugal, Lisboa, Portugal https://www.adp.pt/pt/
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