1. Background information
The term flash flood was proposed by the International Association of Hydrological Sciences . It corresponds to the following definition: "a flood whose onset is sudden, often difficult to predict, with a rapid rise time and relatively high specific discharge. These flash floods are generally linked to intense rainfall events and often occur in moderate-sized basins". In reality, this translates into episodes where the rapidity of response stems partly from the size of the catchment areas concerned, generally less than a few hundred km 2 , and partly from the primacy of surface runoff in the hydrological processes involved....
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GRASS, a free Geographic Information System with numerous hydrological tools http://grass.fbk.eu/
VIGICRUES National flood watch information http://www.vigicrues.gouv.fr/
FFG Flash Flood Guidance maps issued by the US National Weather Service http://www.srh.noaa.gov/rfcshare/ffg.php
OHMCV Observatoire hydrométéorologique...
Plinius, annual conference dedicated to Mediterranean thunderstorms http://www.egu.eu/meetings/conference-series/plinius-topical-conferences.html
Floodrisk, a conference dedicated to flood risk management http://www.floodrisk2012.net/
Directive 2007/60/EC of October 23, 2007 on the assessment and management of flood risks
Law no. 2003-699 of July 30, 2003 on the prevention of technological and natural risks and the repair of damage (consolidated version at April 30, 2010).
Environment Code Legislative Part
– L 562-1 to 9: PPR plans
– L 563-3: flood markers...
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