2. Current instrumentation and industrialization
The fluidic equilibrium established between the stationary and mobile phases throughout the column results in a pressure drop ΔP, which includes a hydrostatic term related to the density difference (density difference) and the centrifugal field, and a hydrodynamic term related to the viscosity of the mobile phase and the flow rate:
with :
- ΔP :
head loss generated by the column,
- ...
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Current instrumentation and industrialization
The International Counter-current Chromatography Conference is held every two years (even-numbered years).
CCC hydrodynamic instruments
- Counter-current chromatography with flow-through coil planet centrifuge – R. Bowman, Y. Ito - US 3775309 - 1973
- Centrifuge apparatus – Dynamics Extractions Ltd. - WO 2006045993 - 2006
- Centrifugal counter-current distribution chromatography-Sanki Engineering, Ltd. - US 4968428 - 1989
- Improved centrifugal...
CPC hydrostatic instruments
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
Hydrodynamic chromatographs (CCC)
Dynamic extractions http://www.dynamicextractions.com/
Tauto BioTech Ltd http://www.tautobiotech.com/en/
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