5. Purchasing control
Companies need to control their purchases. Cheaper" does not mean "more profitable".
Standard NF X 07-010 underlined the need to involve those responsible for controlling measurement equipment in purchasing, in order to achieve the best quality/price ratio.
It is also conceivable to provide appropriate technical training for purchasing department staff.
In all cases, the standard guides ISO/CEI 17025 by prescribing purchasing procedures for the selection of suppliers whenever they have an impact on the quality of measurement results. Quality is defined as "having an influence on the value of the uncertainty associated with the analysis results". These procedures are as follows:
verification of compliance with order requirements ;
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Purchasing control
- International Vocabulary of Metrology — Fundamental and general concepts and associated terms (VIM) - JCGM. - VIM -
- Conformity assessment — Vocabulary and general principles. - ISO/CEI 17000 -
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