Article | REF: SL1640 V1

Use of reference materials

Author: Patrick REPOSEUR

Publication date: June 10, 2014, Review date: September 24, 2018

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6. Demonstration of MR traceability during an audit

Depending on the type of material, demonstrating traceability is more or less straightforward.

If the MR "producer" is an internationally recognized institute (IRMM, FAO, IPPC, National Metrology Institutes, etc.), the material is accompanied by a certificate specifying the reference value, its associated uncertainty and, where relevant, a unit.


Food and Agriculture-Organization of the United Nations.


International Plant Protection Convention.

Otherwise, it is advisable to specify the acknowledgements expected from the supplier and the minimum content of the document issued.

The user must choose the reference material taking into account :

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Demonstration of MR traceability during an audit