5. Accreditation: a tool for the regulatory field
In the voluntary sector, accreditation is the recognition of technical competence attested by peers. This competence is expressed in both technical and organizational terms.
Certification is recognition of conformity to specified requirements. The certification body will compare its standards with the organization's system, thus highlighting what is compliant and what is not.
Approval is purely regulatory. It is issued by the public authorities!
There is no denying that regulatory fields account for an ever-increasing proportion of the activities of accreditation bodies in Europe. In June 2007, the French accreditation body announced that the regulatory part of its accreditations was now predominant.
the author has no reliable data for other continents...
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Accreditation: a tool for the regulatory field
Bilateral agreement between EA and SANAS http://www.senat.fr/dossier-legislatif/pjl14-561.html
Document IAF-ILAC A1 http://www.ilac.org/ilaciafjoint.html
List of signatories to the ILAC international...
Norms and Standards
- 1re– Conformity assessment – Vocabulary and general principles – Conformity assessment – Vocabulary and general principles – http://www.iso.org - ISO CEI 17000 - 11-04
- International vocabulary of metrology – Basic and general concepts and associated terms (VIM) – International Vocabulary of Metrology – Fundamental and general concepts and associated terms (VIM) (http://www.bipm.org) - JCGM 200 - 2008
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Article L. 115-28 of the French Consumer Code designates the national accreditation body in France.
Décret n° 2010-699 du 25 juin 2010 relatif à l'accréditation des organismes de mesures et de vérifications mentionnés à l'article L. 4722-2 du Code du travail (Decree no. 2010-699 of June 25, 2010 on the accreditation of measurement and verification bodies referred to in article L. 4722-2 of the Labor...
Organizations – Associations – Federations (non-exhaustive list)
A2LA http://www.a2la.org
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