Since the development of SACEM, the first software application in the railway sector, formal methods have been widely used and implemented by the industry at different levels (specification, design and code analysis) and for different types of applications (automated metro lines, signaling subsystems, railway applications developed with ControlBuild, for example). The CENELEC 50128 standard for implementing advanced software applications highlights the benefits of formal methods. This article presents the process of developing software applications as implemented in the railway sector, and the changes brought about by the implementation of formal methods.
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Jean-Louis BOULANGER: Evaluator-Certifier Certifer (Anzin, France)
Although formal program analysis techniques (see the work of Hoare and Dijkstra ) are quite old, they were first introduced in the 1980s. Formal methods make it possible to analyze the behavior of a software application described in a programming language. The correctness (good behavior, program termination, etc.) of a program is then demonstrated through a program proof based on the calculation of the weakest precondition .
It wasn't until the late 1990s that formal methods such as Z , VDM and/or the B method were used in industrial applications. Formal methods use mathematical notations to describe precisely the properties a software package must have.
As one of the pitfalls is the impossibility of implementing them in the context of an industrial application (large-scale application, cost and time constraints, etc.), – scaling up – can only be achieved through "sufficiently" mature, high-performance tools.
Although the use of formal methods is booming, it remains marginal in terms of the number of lines of code. Indeed, there are currently...
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Formal methods: railway applications
CENELEC http://www.cenelec.eu/Cenelec/Homepage.htm
COFRAC http://www.cofrac.fr
EPSF http://www.securite-ferroviaire.fr/
ERTSS Embedded Real Time Software and System http://www.erts2012.org/
ESREL http://www.esrel2011.com/
LambdaMU http://www.imdr.fr
Standards and norms
- Applications ferroviaires. Équipements électroniques utilisés sur le matériel roulant - AFNOR EN 50155 - 12-01
- Langage de programmation Ada - ANSI:1983, ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A-1983 - 1983
- Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification, published by ARINC, DO 178B, and EUROCAE, ED12, édition C - ARINC DO 178:C - 2001
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