Entrepreneurship by students reflects a global new-generation trend toward non-salaried employment, at both national and world levels. However, the current processes used to support enterprise creation are ill-suited to this specific context. This article presents a feedback analysis of how the Solen Angels start-up incubator improves the creation process.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Luc Émile BRUNET: Founder of R&D Mediation and Bizilive, Bourges, France - Associate researcher at Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Anne-Lucie CLAUSSE: Director, Solen Angels business incubator, Bourges, France
The creation of businesses by students or, more generally, people entering the world of work through entrepreneurship corresponds both to the expectations of the younger generation and to those of public authorities, primarily universities and schools. The support that needs to be put in place for these businesses is very different from that usually implemented for entrepreneurs who have had a professional life as salaried employees before starting their own business. The two types of project differ not only in terms of the resources available, but also in terms of working methods, human resources management, partnership strategies, and the entrepreneur's exposure to institutional and media scrutiny. Often carried out in parallel with a final year of study, these projects require the young entrepreneur to carry out two full-time activities: that of manager and that of diploma candidate. This feedback corresponds to the methodology implemented in the Solen Angels business incubator, inspired by Anglo-Saxon experiences.
Field: entrepreneurship
Companies involved: Solen Angels, R&D Médiation, Bizilive
Technologies/methods involved: effectuation, TRL
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