2. Ferromagnetism of nanostructures
2.1 Energy in continuous media
The description of the magnetic properties of nanostructures is based on the continuous media approximation. Leaving aside the discrete, quantum nature of magnetic moments, the set of magnetic moments is described by a spatially continuous function known as the magnetization M. This is a vector measuring the magnetic moment per unit volume, expressed in A.m -1 . Generally speaking, the magnetization of a ferromagnetic system depends on both space and time M(r, t), but remains a constant-norm vector:
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Ferromagnetism of nanostructures
Condensed Matter Day, Grenoble, August 27-31, 2018
( https://jmc2018.sciencesconf.org )
Colloque Louis Néel, May 14-17, 2019, Toulouse
( https://www.sciencesconf.org/browse/conference/?confid=5388...
More than 4,500 patents exist on MRAMs, including the following:
High speed magneto-resistive random access memory, J.C. Wu, H.L. Stadler, R.R. Katti, US5173873 (1992) ;
Magnetic memory with a thermally assisted writing procedure, J.P. Nozières, I.L.Prejbeanu, TW200937415 (2009) ;
Magnetic memory device, C. Heide,...
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
A number of French manufacturers use nanoscale magnetic materials. These include :
Crocus Technology (magnetic sensors, MRAMs),
Hprobe (development...
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