Article | REF: N3801 V1

Metal foams. Properties

Author: Yves GAILLARD

Publication date: June 10, 2015

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12. Glossary – Definitions

anisotropic; anisotrope

In contrast to an isotropic medium, physical properties in an anisotropic medium vary according to the direction in which the medium is observed.

catalytic; catalytic

A catalytic application uses catalysis, which is the action whereby a substance (the catalyst) modifies the rate of a chemical reaction, without appearing in the reaction balance.

isodamage curves; isodamagecurves

These curves group together points with the same values for damage, microcrack formation or microcavities within a material subjected to deformation.

kinetic energy; kineticenergy

This is the energy accumulated in a moving body.

hysteresis; hysteresis

Hysteresis corresponds...

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Glossary – Definitions