This glossary gives the definitions of the main technical terms and expressions in the articles devoted to friction, lubrication and wear. They cover concepts, methods of testing and analysis, and tools for all sectors of application involving friction, lubrication and wear.
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Read the articleAUTHOR
Éric FELDER: Honorary Research Associate - MINES, ParisTech CEMEF, Sophia Antipolis, France
This glossary contains the main scientific and technical terms and expressions used in the Tribology section. Tribology is the science of friction, lubrication and wear between solid parts in relative motion. These interactions between rubbing parts depend on the kinematics, geometry and microgeometry of the two solids, the mechanical loading, the environment and the rheological behavior of the materials present at the interface. This is a vast and complex field, involving mechanical, thermal, rheological (material science) and physico-chemical phenomena. The terms in the glossary describe the phenomena, concepts, test and analysis methods and tools used in tribology.
These terms and expressions, listed in alphabetical order, and their definitions have been :
or adapted from articles in the Techniques de l'Ingénieur collection; the articles concerned are then referenced in square brackets after the definition;
or extracted from official bodies or theorists ;
or written by the Techniques de l'Ingénieur scientific and technical team.
Readers can deepen their knowledge of the field by referring to the references in the "For further information" section.
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friction | wear | lubrication | tribology
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Tribology glossary
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University of all knowledge :
Tribology course at the Massachusetts Institute of...
Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie (JIFT), organized each year in April-May by the tribology group of the Association Française de Mécanique (AFM), with publication of the proceedings.
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