10. Appendix 2: Form for calculating piles under transverse load
10.1 Sign conventions. General solution
The sign conventions are shown in figure 27 .
The soil, homogeneous and linear, is characterized by a reaction modulus E s . The pile, with Young's modulus E p , moment of inertia I p , has, in this soil, a transfer length :
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Appendix 2: Form for calculating piles under transverse load
Standards and norms
- Essai statique de pieu isolé sous effort transversal. Norme française, octobre 1993, 18 p. - AFNOR NF P 94-151 - (1993)
- Static testing of insulated piles under axial load – Part 2: in tension, December 1999. European standard NF EN 22477-2, forthcoming. - AFNOR NF P 94-150-2 - (1999)
- Eurocode : Bases du calcul des structures, mars. Annexe nationale : NF EN 1990/NA, décembre 2011. - AFNOR NF EN 1990 - (2003) ...
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