Article | REF: R6733 V1

Ultra High Speed Digital Imaging

Authors: Pierre SLANGEN, Nicolas LONG, Pascal PICART

Publication date: June 10, 2016

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10. Glossary – Definitions

Photoelectric effect; Photoelectric effect

The process by which a photon of light, incident on a specific material, releases an electron that participates in the conduction current. The photon's energy is totally or partially transformed into kinetic energy.

Pixel; Pixel

The smallest light-sensitive element in an image (contraction of picture element). A sensor's pixels can be either contiguous or spaced apart; their size (1.5 µm to 30 µm) and shape are optimized to suit the intended application.

Capacité à puits plein ; Full well capacity

Maximum number of electrons that can be trapped by the potential difference that maintains the pixel's potential well. It is expressed in number of electrons, in bits or in grayscale/color.

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Glossary – Definitions