Article | REF: J6632 V1

Ultra high vacuum noble gases extraction methods

Authors: Laurent ZIMMERMANN, Bernard MARTY

Publication date: September 10, 2014

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2. Diffusion and/or fusion extraction

All the techniques described below are designed to extract rare gases, whether trapped in fluid inclusions or in the crystalline structure of rocks.

The principle of extraction is based on heating (destructive or non-destructive, depending on the case) of the sample, and its mechanism relies on the diffusion of gases through a solid medium (mineral, rock) or liquid when the melting point has been reached. The systems described are based on resistive, inductive or radiant heating and are used to determine the contents and isotopic ratios of noble gases in a sample.

These techniques can be found in most laboratories, especially in geochemistry, and have become essential tools for carrying out projects in fields as varied as cosmochemistry, geochronology, climatology, tectonics, etc.

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Diffusion and/or fusion extraction