This article presents the basic principles of UML notation required to address software modeling of an operational project. After a brief background, the article details UML diagrams in a logical order of use through the main concepts proposed by the notation.
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Agusti CANALS: Business Unit Manager (Technical), CS Communication & Systèmes
This article, which aims to introduce the basics of UML notation, is the second in a series of four devoted to modeling. The first article
This article introduces the basics of UML notation, necessary to start modeling for software specification and design. The UML notation is very comprehensive and difficult to master. However, a selected subset is more than sufficient to meet the needs of most people.
Today, more and more projects are embarking on the adventure of Model Driven Engineering (MDE) at software level, as a complement to Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) at system level. In this context, UML modeling is becoming an essential discipline to master.
A table of acronyms is available at the end of the article (§ 4 ).
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UML | Modeling | method
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UML: a notation for specifying and designing software
- (1) - OMG - OMG Systems modeling language (OMG SysML™). Version 1.3 - (2012) http://www.omg.org/spec/SysML/1.3/PDF
- (2) - OMG - OMG Unified modeling language (OMG UML)....
Software tools
POLARSYS (open source tools) https://www.polarsys.org/
Enterprise Architect http://www.sparxsystems.com/
MagicDraw http://www.nomagic.com/
Object Management Group http://www/omg.org
NEPTUNE – Journées Neptune http://neptune.irit.fr/
Standards and norms
- Information Technology – Object Management Group Unified Modeling Language (OMG/UML) – Part 1: Infrastructure http://www/omg.org - ISO/IEC 19505-1 - 2012
- Information Technology – Object Management Group Unified Modeling Language (OMG/UML) – Part 2: Superstructure http://www/omg.org - ISO/IEC 19505-2 - 2012
CS Communication and Systems http://www.c-s.fr
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