
The universality of the XML language favors its use in every technical field related to information management. Since its standardization by the W3C in 1998, XML has been used in every aspect of the architecture of information systems. Over the last few years, a significant number of standards and protocols derived from XML have been developed in order to facilitate the completion of a given function of the company information system. The service-oriented architecture or SOA has become the reference for company computer applications deployed on the Web.
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Jean-Marie CHAUVET: Managing Partner, LC Capital
The universality of XML
data modelling, classification and storage ;
data communication between applications and services, and between applications and users ;
transformation and, more generally, data processing.
In each of these areas, the last few years have seen the development of a host of XML-derived standards and protocols to facilitate the accomplishment of specific functions within a company's information system. These developments have been the subject of standardization work, either within ad hoc international standardization bodies such as ISO, W3C and OASIS, or in industrial alliances - sometimes opportunistic - between major players in the IT industry, bringing together suppliers and users.
This coherent set of standards and specifications has become essential in the implementation and deployment of Web applications based on service-oriented architecture, or SOA, which is rapidly establishing itself as the benchmark for enterprise computing applications deployed on the Web.
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SOA architecture
Reference works
- Traitement de l'information. Systèmes bureautiques. Langage normalisé de balisage généralisé (SGML) - ISO 8879 - 10-86
- Technologies de l'information. Applications SGML. Plans relatifs à des sujets - ISO/CEI 13250 - 5-03
- Commerce électronique en langage de balisage extensible (ebXML). Partie 1 : spécification de l'accord et du profil de protocole de collaboration (ebCPP) - ISO/TS 15000-1 - 5-04
- Commerce...
BPEL http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/wsbpel/
ebXML http://www.ebxml.org/
OWL http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-features/
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) http://www.w3.org/
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) http://www.oasis-open.org/
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