1. From objects to components
The 1990s saw an explosion in the use of the object paradigm for building software, whether in design methods (OMT, UML), programming languages (C++, Java), graphical user interfaces, object-oriented databases (OQL, ODMG) or distributed systems (CORBA). It is now widely recognized that the object is an essential paradigm for building scalable and maintainable software. Nevertheless, the object is not without its faults, and there is increasing talk of components such as Microsoft's Java Beans, Enterprise Java Beans or CORBA components, to name but the best-known. While the benefits of using objects are fairly well characterized in the literature
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- - http://www.sudoc.abes.fr
- FABRESSE (L.) - Proposition d'un langage de programmation à base de composants logiciels interfaçables et application à la génération semi-automatisée d'IHM. - Université des sciences...
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