3. Edit
We use the English word edit or editing instead of montage, on the one hand to avoid associating with digital editing all the concepts and methods inherited from "classic" film, video or sound editing, and on the other hand to emphasize that the purpose of this function is: to collect media elements or objects, process them and assemble them into a final product, intended for publication and distribution.
The editing function may appear, at first glance, to be less essential in a DMAM system, and less important, for example, than the preceding analysis-indexing function. But :
it transforms a set of source media objects into another finalized media object intended for use ;
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- (1) - - AES (Audio Engineering Society) http://www.aes.org/
- (2) - - AFNOR (Association française de normalisation) https://www.afnor.org/ ...
Standards and norms
- (1) - - AES Standards http://www.aes.org/standards/b_pub/aes-standards-in-print.cfm
- (2) - - AFNOR – Normes En Ligne
Acquisition tools and products
The following three sections are essentially tables presenting a sample of commercially available tools. They are not intended to provide an exhaustive overview, but simply to give the reader an initial exploration.
The mention or omission of a company does not imply any value judgement on its activities or products. All brands mentioned in this study-guide are registered trademarks...
Indexing analysis tools and products
All "integrated" DMAM tools offers an indexing analysis module.
Most of these modules are actually computer-assisted semantic analysis-indexing (text annotation) tools (video and/or audio segmentation, text transcription, etc.).
Very few do automatic analysis-indexing, generating only physical descriptors (Muscle Fish, LTU, ...)....
Editing tools
Audio editing tools
Audio editing modules are included in video editing products (Adobe has bought Cool Edit Pro from Syntrillium, Steinberg has formed the audio division of Pinnacle, Sony Pictures has integrated Sonic Foundry software, etc.).
An editing function is included in specific DMAM software such as DaletPlus Radio Suite....
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