Radio communications have become essential in the functioning of our society with a significant increase in the volumes of information exchanged. In the military domain, they have become an indispensable element in the conduct and control of operations. The system designers of these applications are subjected to continuously increasing flow rates and spectrum efficiency requirements, and regulators repeated requests for frequency allocations. Spectrum control and battle field radio surveillance provide key advantages. For civilian radio-transmission, the need to regulate the rational and efficient use of spectrum "this natural resource in the service of humanity" and to verify the proper enforcement by adequate means of spectrum monitoring is more necessary than ever.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
François DELAVEAU: Engineer from the École nationale supérieure de techniques avancées - Expert in signal processing and electronic warfare at Thales Communications & Security
Yvon LIVRAN: Engineer from the École nationale d'ingénieurs de Brest - Head of Spectrum Regulation for Thales Communications & Security - This edition is an update of Gilbert MULTEDO's article Radiosurveillance du spectre published in 1994.
Communications have become essential to the political, economic and social functioning of our society, which is increasingly focused on the transmission of information between individuals, economic players, managers and regulatory bodies. Recent decades have seen spectacular advances in wireless radio transmission, which is now poised to become the world's leading communications medium, with almost 6 billion cell phone subscriptions by the end of 2011.
At the same time, the volumes of information to be transmitted, driven by advances in digital technologies and the development of remote services, have increased considerably, subjecting radiocommunications system designers to ever-increasing requirements in terms of throughput and spectrum efficiency, and regulators to recurring requests for the allocation of frequencies for new wireless communications services.
The need to regulate the rational and efficient use of the spectrum, "this natural wealth at the service of humanity", and to verify that regulations are properly applied by adequate spectrum monitoring means, has always accompanied the development of radiocommunications.
Radio surveillance, both civil and military, is therefore more than ever a necessity in this context of increasing multiplicity of communications services, marked heterogeneity of radio access techniques, and growing variability and complexity of signals.
Spectrum monitoring is the civilian aspect of spectrum radio surveillance. Electromagnetic intelligence is the ability to monitor the spectrum for military intelligence purposes. Combined with jamming, this type of intelligence is known as electrical communications warfare.
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Radiospectrum monitoring
• Radio Spectrum Policy Programme http://www.ec.europa.eu/information_society/policy/ecomm/radio_spectrum/eu_policy/rspp/index_en.htm
• Cartoradio http://www.cartoradio.fr
• Spectrum Summit Brussels, March 22-23, 2010 Venue : European Parliament http://www.ec.europa.eu/information_society/policy/ecomm/radio_spectrum/_document_storage/rspp_summit/spectsumm_programme_0225.pdf
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