This article describes the "Indoor” environment PLC technologies; the aim of these technologies is to use the low voltage wiring of a home for the transmission of information on a private network. Their use in addition to Wi-Fi is timely, allows for network security improvement and coverage and is furthermore easy to implement. The use of the HomePlug standard and its modulation technique increases the adaptability and robustness of PLC solutions as well as their response to the growing demand of homes with broadband Internet.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Xavier CARCELLE: Telecommunications expert - Technical Director, OpenPattern SARL
Thomas BOURGEAU: Telecommunications engineer - Research Engineer at the Paris 6 Computer Science Laboratory
Recent years have seen rapid developments in network technologies used in indoor environments, with the success of Wi-Fi and Triple-play offers from French ISPs (Internet Service Providers). The network technologies traditionally used to set up LAN-type networks in companies have been transferred to the domestic environment, enabling the Ethernet network to be used to transmit data, voice and images within a building, apartment or house. However, these environments do not lend themselves well to cabling, and alternative technologies make it possible to use radio or existing media. The development of Wi-Fi makes it easy to connect equipment over radio. However, the limitations of Wi-Fi in terms of configuration, radio coverage and security make this technology difficult to use for the general public, and require complicated support from Internet operators to guarantee "plug and play" operation. In this context, "Indoor" PLC technologies have emerged as a good alternative to Wi-Fi for creating Ethernet networks easily over the electrical network present in every room of a building or home. The advantages of using PLC technologies alongside Wi-Fi include improved security, better network coverage and easier installation. This application of PLC technologies defines a first class of use known as "broadband".
A second class of use, known as "low-speed", will define applications requiring low data transfer rates on domestic networks or inside buildings. These applications are mainly in the field of home automation and control/command, linking sensors and actuators, or supervision and control gateways. Home automation applications are developing rapidly to make electrical equipment "intelligent" and enable real-time information to be supervised over the Internet. As these two classes of PLC technology use in the indoor environment are each independent and very different, we will focus mainly on "Indoor" PLC technologies with "high bit rates".
This article describes high-speed PLC technologies in the indoor environment.
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Indoor PLC technologies
Software tools
DEVOLO PLC configuration tools http://download.devolo.net/webcms/0955954001220358224/dlan-software-v19.exe
HomePlug PLC players and performance http://homeplug.org
CEPCA http://cepca.org/
Standards and norms
- Groupement d'industriels du domaine de l'électronique dédiés sur les technologies CPL - HOMEPLUG -
- Groupe de travail développant le standard CPL IEEE 1901 harmonisant les différents standards actuels - Groupe IEEE 1901 -
International conferences on PLC technologies
ISPLC: International Symposium on PowerLine Communications, an international conference on the various technical and scientific aspects of PLC.
IEEE Globecom: The IEEE Globecom conference includes a sub-conference on PLC technologies.
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
PLC equipment for broadband :
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