1. Introduction to firewalls
A firewall (firewall, security gateway ) is a set of components placed between two networks with the following properties (properties largely extracted from ):
all traffic between the two networks must pass through the firewall ;
only traffic explicitly authorized by the locally applied security policy is allowed to pass through the firewall ;
Traffic entering the sensitive network must not pass through the firewall without being inspected, in order to "break" the flow;
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Introduction to firewalls
- (1) - ANSSI - Recommandations pour la définition d'une politique de filtrage réseau d'un pare-feu. - mars 2013 https://www.ssi.gouv.fr/uploads/IMG/pdf/NP_Politique_pare_feu_NoteTech.pdf ...
Software tools
Squid http://www.squid-cache.org
netfilter http://www.netfilter.org
SNORT http://www.snort.org
ANSSI, CSPN certified products https://www.ssi.gouv.fr/entreprise/produits-certifies/produits-certifies-cspn/
ANSSI, Common criteria certified products https://www.ssi.gouv.fr/entreprise/produits-certifies/cc/produits-certifies-cc/
...Standards and norms
- IETF, LEECH (M.), GANIS (M.), LEE (Y.), KURIS (R.), KOBLAS (D.), JONES (L.). – SOCKS Protocol Version 5. http://ietf.org/rfc/rfc1928.txt?number=1928 - rfc 1928 - 03-96
Law no. 2009-1311 of October 28, 2009 on the criminal protection of literary and artistic property on the Internet, JORF no. 0251 of Oct. 29, 2009 https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000021208046&categorieLien=id
Law no. 2015-912...
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