4. Case study
After describing the operating principle of the federated bridge and the DDS proxy, we present here a case study of the implementation of a distributed simulation application on DDS. This application consists in developing a platform that enables land simulators on DDS to be networked over long distances, and to share the same virtual field of operations (e.g. a city, an airport, a stadium, etc.), thus meeting a collective training demand in a virtual environment as close to reality as possible.
We describe the test platform and experimental results used to validate our prototypes.
4.1 Test platform
An experimental platform has been designed and set up at LAAS-CNRS. This platform, called "Laasnex-texp"
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Case study
- (1) - OBJECT (O.) Management_Group - Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems Specification, DDSv12. - (2009) http://www.omg.org/spec/DDS/1.2/
- (2) - CORRADI (A.), FOSCHINI (L.) -...
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