Magnetic materials changed data storage forever with the extensive use of magnetic hard disks. Interest in magnetic materials has gobe unabated, both for device downscaling and in the race for non-volatile, robust, compact, low power devices. In this article, the basic concepts of magnetic materials are reviewed, from bulk samples to nanostructures. Static and dynamic properties are addressed. Unconventional mechanisms to control magnetization, such as heavy current flow, are explained, and applicative potential is emphasized.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Hélène BEA: Teacher-researcher - Grenoble Alpes University, CEA, CNRS, - Grenoble INP (Institute of Engineering Univ. Grenoble Alpes), INAC-SPINTEC, - Grenoble, France
Liliana D. BUDA-PREJBEANU: Teacher-researcher - Grenoble Alpes University, CEA, CNRS, - Grenoble INP (Institute of Engineering Univ. Grenoble Alpes), INAC-SPINTEC, - Grenoble, France
Magnetic materials have long attracted a great deal of interest thanks to their multiple applications. Originally, ferromagnetic materials were used mainly in electrical engineering as a source of magnetic field or as a basic element in electrical machines and devices (transformers, motors, inductive components for electronics). However, the design of magnetic hard disks has revolutionized the world of data storage, directing research towards ever-smaller magnetic systems. The properties of magnetic materials are intimately linked to their size. The magnetic behavior of nanostructures can be significantly modified by the effects of interface phenomena and the combination of different materials.
This article focuses on the role of lateral confinement and interfaces with other materials on the properties of ferromagnetic systems. It also discusses their use in applications ranging from information technology to biotechnology. Nanostructuring has also revealed the mutual interaction between magnetization and conduction electron spin. This interaction is the basis of the so-called spintronic phenomena, which have made it possible to control magnetization by means other than a magnetic field. Various unconventional ways of manipulating magnetization are presented, based on the equation of motion of magnetization.
At the end of the article, readers will find a glossary and a table of the symbols used.
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magnetization | spin-transfert torque | dynamics
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Nanoscale ferromagnetism
Condensed Matter Day, Grenoble, August 27-31, 2018
( https://jmc2018.sciencesconf.org )
Colloque Louis Néel, May 14-17, 2019, Toulouse
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More than 4,500 patents exist on MRAMs, including the following:
High speed magneto-resistive random access memory, J.C. Wu, H.L. Stadler, R.R. Katti, US5173873 (1992) ;
Magnetic memory with a thermally assisted writing procedure, J.P. Nozières, I.L.Prejbeanu, TW200937415 (2009) ;
Magnetic memory device, C. Heide,...
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
A number of French manufacturers use nanoscale magnetic materials. These include :
Crocus Technology (magnetic sensors, MRAMs),
Hprobe (development...
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