3. Influence of transient conditions
Due to the nature of network elements (capacitors, inductances, resistors), the transition from one operating state to another, particularly when a short-circuit occurs, cannot take place instantaneously and gives rise to transient current and voltage regimes.
The performance of modern high-speed protection systems depends not only on their intrinsic qualities but also, to a large extent, on the response of the measuring gearboxes to these transient conditions.
The choice of protection is in fact consistent with that of the instrument transformers and vice versa; the analysis of the performance of protection systems must take into account the behavior of the whole.
3.1 Transient conditions created by network short-circuits
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Influence of transient conditions
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CIGRE (Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Électriques): one of the world's leading organizations in the field of high-voltage electricity. It covers technical, economic, environmental, organizational and regulatory aspects. The Biennial Conference, held every even-numbered year in Paris (end of August), attracts some 3,000 delegates from 5 continents. Some 400 reports on all CIGRE themes are discussed.
Standards and norms
- Vocabulaire électrotechnique International. Chapitre 448. Protection des réseaux d'énergie - CEI 60050-448 -
- Relais électriques - CEI 60255 -
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