7. Overhead connections
They are made either of cables or tubes.
7.1 Overhead cable connections
They are given in standard NF EN 50182. Readers are also invited to refer to the Power transmission cables files. .
The cable connections encountered in a substation can be grouped into three categories:
Strained connections between structures, as well as the guard cables...
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Overhead connections
Interministerial decree of May 17, 2001 setting the technical conditions to be met by electrical power distribution.
Decree no. 77-254 of March 8, 1977 regulating the discharge of oils and lubricants into surface, ground and sea waters.
- Installations électriques de tensions nominales supérieures à 1 kV en courant alternatif. - NF C13-000 - 4-03
- Insulated or protected cables for energy networks – Rigid cables insulated with cross-linked polyethylene in a polyvinyl chloride sheath – H1 XDV-A series. - NF C33-210 - 8-95
- Measuring equipment – Single-phase voltage transformers – Features. - NF C42-501 - 3-73
- Condensateurs de couplage et...
(non-exhaustive list)
RTE (Réseau de transport d'électricité) http://www.rte-france.com
EDF Réseau de distribution (ERD) http://www.edfdistribution.fr
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