3. Impact of frequency setting on producers
Frequency control involves several cost components: fixed, variable and non-delivery costs. Among these costs, the cost of de-optimization over the short and long term is one of the most significant items for producers.
3.1 Fixed costs
Fixed costs are all costs that do not depend on the amount of auxiliary service provided. Fixed costs due to frequency adjustments comprise two main components: investment costs and operating costs.
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Impact of frequency setting on producers
- (1) - UCTE - Operation Handbook, P1-Policy 1 : Load-frequency control and performance [C]. - Union for the Co-ordination of Transmission of Electricity (UCTE), Bruxelles, Belgique, mars 2009, disponible : http://www.entsoe.eu
CIGRE (once every 3 years) http://www.cigre.org
IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (annual) http://www.ieee.org
JEEE Powertech (once every 2 years) http://www.powertech.com
Law no. 2000-108 of February 10, 2000 on the modernization and development of the public electricity service.
Decree no. 2008-386 of April 23, 2008 on general technical requirements for the design and operation of production facilities connected to public electricity networks.
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