1. Distribution network and network management
Law no. 2000-108 of February 10, 2000 on the modernization and development of the public electricity service
Law no. 2003-8 of January 3, 2003 on gas and electricity markets and the public energy service
Law no. 2004-803 of August 9, 2004 on the public electricity and gas service and on electricity and gas companies.
Law no. 2005-781 of July 13, 2005 on energy policy guidelines
Law n° 2006-1537 of December 7, 2006 relating to the energy sector.
1.1 Distribution network boundaries
In France (and generally throughout the world), electricity distribution is a geographical...
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Distribution network and network management
Also in our database
Pluriannual Investment Plan for electricity generation PPI http://www.industrie.gouv.fr/energie/electric/textes/se_ppi.htm
Technical reference documentation DTR
Standards and norms
- Conception et réalisation des installations de branchement à basse tension comprises entre le point de raccordement au réseau et le point de livraison aux utilisateurs - NF C 14-100 - 2008
- Postes de livraison établis à l'intérieur d'un bâtiment et alimentés par un réseau de distribution publique HTA (jusqu'à 33 kV) - NF C 13-100 - 2006
- Compendium of general electrical safety instructions. Scope: The provisions...
All the regulations cited in this treatise can easily be found on the website http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr
Please note that to obtain the tables published with the texts, you must request the version published in the JO.
Directive 2001/77/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of September...
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
DGEC General Directorate for Energy and Climate http://www.industrie.gouv.fr
CGIET General Council for Industry, Energy and Technology http://www.cgiet.org
DGCIS General...
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