This article deals with the production of hot water using solar energy. We will find the different interests of this mode of energy production in the current context, as well as the description of the different types of devices existing on the market.
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Natacha BELLOIR: Operations Manager - Ministry of the Armed Forces
The principle of solar water heating is to use the sun's heat to directly heat the water contained in a tank using solar thermal collectors. It can be used anywhere in France, although the collector surface required to heat the same quantity of water will vary from region to region. Solar water heaters offer a number of advantages, not least of which is their contribution to efforts to reduce energy consumption in housing, as made mandatory by the RT2020 law.
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solar thermal energy | water heater | solar water heater
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Solar water heaters
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Standards and norms
- Saisie des systèmes solaires thermiques - CSTB - avril 2017
- Solar thermal systems and components – Solar collectors - NF EN 12975-1 - décembre 2010
- Solar energy – Solar thermal collectors - NF EN ISO 9806 - novembre 2017
- Solar thermal systems and components – Custom-assembled systems - NF EN 12977-1 - avril 2018
- Building work – Solar thermal systems with glazed collectors – Part 1-1: Standard...
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