This article will list a set of recommendations, both technical, experiential, but also aesthetic, even cultural, necessary for the (re)valorization of earthen architecture that is simultaneously modern and traditional.
Read this article from a comprehensive knowledge base, updated and supplemented with articles reviewed by scientific committees.
Read the articleAUTHOR
Natacha BELLOIR: Operations Manager - Ministry of the Armed Forces
In this article, the first section is devoted to the classic pathologies of earth construction. First, water, an enemy all the more formidable for its insidiousness, followed by structural weaknesses. The second deals with the specific issue of restoring old buildings, whether heritage or not. And finally, the last section is dedicated to seismic risks.
For those who wish to learn more about earthen construction, we recommend reading the following articles:
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Recommendations for earthen architectural design
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Earthen construction is not standardized in France.
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Building cultures and sustainable development
Agence Qualité Construction
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