This article deals with the realization of the site installation plan. It is an essential document for obtaining a certain authorization allowing the start of work but also the reference for all the stakeholders of the site concerning the installation and operation of the area. Well done, it also makes it possible to optimize the various tasks and thus obtain a better performance.
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Natacha BELLOIR: Operations Manager - Defense Infrastructure Service - This article is the updated version of article TBA540 entitled Site Installation Plan, written in 2007.
The site installation plan serves several purposes: it provides the necessary indications for the layout of the various installations and equipment, and serves as a reference for all those involved, as well as helping to obtain the various authorizations required prior to start-up, in particular that relating to the installation of cranes. It has a direct impact on future construction processes, and poor design can lead to site delays, additional costs and serious accidents.
Site boundaries, building locations, traffic routes, fluid circuits, workstations - all these elements must appear on this detailed plan, as must the layout of lifting equipment. This last point requires a study of the nature of the ground and the integration of very specific safety criteria, including no-fly zones, crane interference and constraints linked to assembly and disassembly.
The plan also specifies the layout of traffic lanes and paths within the site, as well as the location of the prefabrication and concreting stations, which take up a lot of space.
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Plan of installation | crane | cantonment
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Site installation plan
- INRS - Interventions à proximité des réseaux électriques aériens – Place des détecteurs de lignes électriques dans la démarche de prévention. - ED 6292, https://www.inrs.fr/dms/inrs/CataloguePapier/ED/TI-ED-6292/ed6292.pdf...
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- Private markets – Sample notebooks – Cahier des clauses administratives générales applicable aux travaux de bâtiment faisant l'objet de marchés privés - NF P03-001 - Octobre 2017
- Overhead load hoists – Security – Tower cranes - NF EN 14439+A2 - Juillet 2009
OPPBT (Organisme professionnel de prévention du bâtiment et des travaux publics)
Prévention BTP – Service de l'OPPBTP
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