2. Project with an environmental impact
A project with an environmental impact is likely to present a danger to public health or safety, interfere with the free flow of water or reduce water resources.
2.1 Approach
The approach to a project with an environmental impact is identical to that of the cases seen in section 1; however, an addition has been made to the mayor's response.
This addition concerns the project, which must also comply with regulations on water and protected species of flora and fauna. Thus, if the project involves an installation, work or activity (IOTA) subject to authorization (or simple declaration), the applicant must apply for an administrative authorization from the prefecture of his department.
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Project with an environmental impact
Standards and norms
- Private markets – Sample notebooks – Cahier des clauses administratives générales applicable aux travaux de bâtiment faisant l'objet de marchés privés - NF P01-003 - Octobre 2017
Works requiring planning permission: Code de l'urbanisme, articles R. 421-19 and R. 421-22
Development permit: Code de l'urbanisme, articles R. 423-17 to R.423-18
Extension of validity period (renewable energy production facilities): French Environment Code, article R. 5115-109; Decree no. 2016-6 of January 5, 2016 on the validity period of town planning authorizations and...
Internet links
Assistance with a request for planning permission (teleservice) https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/R52221
Dispute the price increase claimed by the contractor for the construction of your home (sample document)
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