9. T2-2000 recommendation on waste disposal
9.1 Purpose of the recommendation
Recommendation no. T2-2000 addressed to public contracting authorities concerns the management of building site waste.
It was prepared by the GPEMP (groupe permanent d'étude des marchés publics) "works and project management" section and adopted on June 22, 2000 by the technical section of the Commission centrale des marchés.
The aim of this recommendation is to provide building owners with the means to adapt building practices to waste regulations, and in particular to the need for waste recovery.
It should be remembered that building work generates production:
inert DI waste (rubble) representing 66% of all waste;
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T2-2000 recommendation on waste disposal
Standards and norms
- Concrete – Specification, performance, production and compliance – National supplement to standard NF EN 206 - NF EN 206/CN - Novembre 2014
Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of November 19, 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives (text with EEA relevance)
Law no. 75-633 of July 15, 1975 on waste disposal and materials recovery
Decision No 2000/532/EC of 03/05/00 replacing Decision 94/3/EC establishing a list of wastes pursuant to Article 1 er...
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