
The increased circulation of construction products in the European Economic Area has prompted thinking about its practical application, initiating the need to develop common technical standards. It has created an opportunity for updating the design and calculation rules of structures, and for establishing new requirements for closer assessment of both the quality of products and the safety of structures. The new rules are based on the state of updated current knowledge, and they also extend to emerging materials and innovative techniques. In the case of timber structures, the rules are defined in the Eurocode 5 European standardization. The present article offers a presentation of the main lines of the General Rules, and an indication of the calculation rules that address the main problems in checking standards requirements.
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Jacques Long TRINH: Consultant, ENPC Engineer, Doctor of Engineering - Chairman of the Eurocode 5 Mirror Commission (P 21A), Paris (France)
The decision to open up European borders to allow the free circulation of construction products within the European Economic Area led, among other things, to the development of common technical standards. This provided an opportunity to update the rules governing construction design and calculation, and to establish up-to-date requirements for better assessment of both product quality and construction safety. The new rules have been drawn up on the basis of the latest knowledge, and have also been extended to include new materials and innovative techniques. For timber construction, these rules are finalized in a standard known as Eurocode 5.
In France, this European approach has led to a number of changes in the outlook of applicators and in timber construction practices. Whereas, until then, the rules for justifying timber structures, which were intended to guarantee a certain degree of structural safety, were based on a deterministic approach and a concept of permissible stresses, the new rules in Eurocode 5, as in all other Eurocodes dealing with various other construction methods, are established on common fundamental principles and are based on a semi-probabilistic theoretical approach. This different concept is fairly new to the French timber construction industry.
It is proposed here to present the general rules of Eurocode 5, part 1-1, by indicating the main lines:
objectives ;
field of application ;
original features ;
new topics covered ;
the corresponding calculation methods ;
changes to the old rules.
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Eurocode 5 – Design and calculation of timber structures
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Standards and norms
For dated references, subsequent amendments or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only if they have been incorporated by amendment or revision. For undated references, the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments).
CEB Bulletins N° 124 & 125 (1978): International system of United Codes of Practice for Structures, and...
New Approach: Council Resolution of 7 May 1985, website :
http://publications.europa.eu/ .
Construction Products Directive CPD (CPD 89/106/EEC), website :
Décret n° 2006-975 du 1...
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