This article has for object the applications of the electricity in buildings.
It takes into account the evolutions regarding light sources, the new thermal regulations RT on 2012 and the refill of battery-driven vehicles.
This article is the first part of the theme " Electricity in the building ". The article [C 3 751v2] is the second part dedicated to its "implementation". These subjects are not independent from each other. The reader will have to refer thus rather often to this other article.
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Read the articleAUTHOR
Dominique SERRE: Engineer - Former Chairman of the UTE (Union Technique de l'Électricité) U15 Commission
Energy management is a hot topic right now, and the building industry is a major energy consumer, especially when it comes to heating. The RT 2012 thermal regulations set new rules for the energy requirements of buildings.
Focusing solely on the heating aspect of energy management would be a simplistic view of the problem: excess heating is merely the consequence of inadequate insulation. Recovering energy from extracted air is already a first step, adapting the building to renewable energies - solar, wind - is a second, but there are still savings to be made in the right choice of light sources and their management, as well as in the transport of energy within the building itself.
Electric cars require recharging stations, and the conditions for building such infrastructures have now been defined. A very large number of facilities need to be created.
In this age of communication, we'll also be looking at data transmissions in buildings, both for management purposes and for internal and external communication. These Voice Data Image (VDI) transmissions also consume energy, and the choice of the right network must take this into account.
The electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of the various energy and data networks must also be taken into account.
This article is the first part of the "Electricity in buildings" theme. The article
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Electricity in buildings
PROMOTELEC The Official Electricity Company http://www.promotelec.com
French Lighting Association (AFE) http://www.afe-eclairage.com.fr
Standards and norms
AFNOR standards (UTE)
- Postes de livraison établis à l'intérieur d'un bâtiment et alimentés par un réseau de distribution publique HTA (jusqu'à 33 kV). - NF C13-100 - 04*05
- High-voltage electrical installations – Rules. UTE - NF C13-200 - Parution en 2018
- Installations de branchement à basse tension : Règles. - NF C 14-100 - 02-08
- Installations électriques à basse tension :...
Building regulations
Arrêté du 31 janvier 1986 et suivants. Fire protection in residential buildings
Order of August 3, 2016 regulating electrical installations in residential buildings.
Environment and sustainable development
Law of July 19, 1976. Installations classified for the protection of the environment....
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
AFE French Lighting Association
IEC International Electrotechnical...
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