6. Conclusion
Technical solutions exist for an alternative to "all collective" sewerage. They can provide a lasting, reliable solution for areas where, for economic or technical reasons, it is inappropriate to lay a wastewater collection pipe.
In addition to "classic" non-collective sanitation techniques involving water purification using natural or reconstituted soil, in 2009 France opened up to purification systems based on principles similar to those used in wastewater treatment plants, or using compact filters. The first approvals were issued in 2010. This could reshape practices in the field of non-collective sanitation.
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Réseau CREPA – Recommendations for the safe use of urine and faeces in ecological sanitation systems SCHONNING C. and STENSTROM T.A. – 2004
WHO: guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater – volume IV
The Assises nationales de l'Assainissement non collectif take place each year in a different city.
Standards and norms
- Installation of on-site sanitation systems – Single-family homes with up to 10 main rooms. - XP DTU 64.1 – AFNOR -
- Fosses septiques préfabriquées. - EN 12566-1 + A1 – AFNOR – CEN -
- Systèmes d'infiltration dans le sol. - CEN/TS 12566-2 – AFNOR – CEN -
- Stations d'épuration des eaux usées domestiques prêtes à l'emploi et/ou assemblées sur site. - EN 12566-3 + A1 – AFNOR – CEN -
- Fosses...
Law on water and aquatic environments (LEMA) of December 30, 2006 (consolidated version as of July 14, 2010).
Law no. 92-3 of January 3, 1992 on water.
Law n° 64-1245 of December 16, 1964 relating to the regime and distribution of water and the fight against its pollution.
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
FNSA – Fédération nationale des syndicats de l'assainissement et de la maintenance industrielle
(IFAA) – French manufacturers of on-site sanitation...
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