8. Thermal insulation of attics or under rafters
Thermal insulation can be installed in the attic floor or, if the attic is occupied, under the crawl space. Insulation work is the responsibility of the company in charge of this lot. This company is rarely the one in charge of the roofing work.
The insulation must never come into contact with the underside of the tiles or the roof membrane, taking into account any variations in insulation thickness.
There must be a gap of at least (figure 16 ):
20 mm between the underside of the battens and the top surface of the insulation (in the case of unshielded roofs)...
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Thermal insulation of attics or under rafters
European standards
- Clay roof tiles for discontinuous laying – Determination of flexural strength. French standard classification: P 31-307. - NF EN 538 - 12-1994
- Clay roof tiles for discontinuous laying – Determining physical characteristics – Part 1: impermeability test. French standard classification number: P 31-308-1. - NF EN 539-1 - 12-1994
- Clay roof tiles for discontinuous laying...
Technical organization websites
AFNOR (Association française de normalisation) http://www.afnor.fr
CSTB (Centre scientifique et technique du bâtiment) http://www.cstb.fr
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