6. Geographic zones of coverage exposure
Wind and rain concomitance zones and situations
The DTUs for clay tile roofing define roof slopes and tile coverings by reference to "zones" and "situations" of exposure of the roof to the phenomenon of wind-rain concomitance. It is in fact the combination of precipitation and wind that is the cause of possible watertightness failures between roofing elements.
France is divided into 3 application zones (in view of the wind-rain concomitance phenomenon). These zones are specified in table 8 and illustrated on figure 11 .
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Geographic zones of coverage exposure
European standards
- Clay roof tiles for discontinuous laying – Determination of flexural strength. French standard classification: P 31-307. - NF EN 538 - 12-1994
- Clay roof tiles for discontinuous laying – Determining physical characteristics – Part 1: impermeability test. French standard classification number: P 31-308-1. - NF EN 539-1 - 12-1994
- Clay roof tiles for discontinuous laying...
Technical organization websites
AFNOR (Association française de normalisation) http://www.afnor.fr
CSTB (Centre scientifique et technique du bâtiment) http://www.cstb.fr
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