4. Glossary
Band gap
The term "gap" is used in semiconductor physics to describe the valence and conduction bands of semiconductors. Between the two bands there is an energy interval in which a charge carrier cannot find its way: this is the band gap. The energy gap between the two bands is called the gap.
Silicium multicristallin; multicrystalline silicon
Silicon wafer made up of several grains ranging in size from a few millimetres to a few centimetres.
Heterojunction; heterojunction
Junction consisting of two materials with different structural properties. For example, amorphous silicon on crystalline silicon, or gallium arsenide on germanium.
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European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU/PVSEC) http://www.photovoltaic-conference.com
IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (IEEE PVS) http://www.ieee-pvsc.org
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