Although some call it that “tired old mystery”, the search for the origin and true nature of the second law of thermodynamics has gained new traction over the last three to four decades. What has emerged is the field of quantum thermodynamics, which includes the theories of quantum open systems and of typicality, which view the second law as emerging from quantum mechanics. An alternative theory is that of intrinsic quantum thermodynamics (IQT), which views the second law as fundamental. This article focuses on the application of the IQT mathematical framework, steepest-entropy-ascent quantum thermodynamics, to reactive and non-reactive systems ranging from the microscopic to the macroscopic.
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Michael VON SPAKOVSKY: Professor and Director Center for Energy Systems Research, ME Department, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA
Although referred to as a sea serpent, research into the origin and profound nature of the second principle of thermodynamics has gained new momentum over the last three or four decades. What emerges is the field of quantum thermodynamics, which includes the theories of open quantum systems and "typicality", and, from these approaches, the second principle of thermodynamics emerging from the quantum approach (quantum mechanics). An alternative theory is that of intrinsic quantum thermodynamics (IQT), which regards the second principle as fundamental. The mathematical support for IQT, together with the quantum thermodynamics of the highest entropy rise (SEAQT), forms the core of this article, with application to reactive and non-reactive systems from the microscopic to the macroscopic scale.
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Intrinsic quantum thermodynamics
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