4. Conclusion
Understanding and controlling the parameters conditioning chip formation is a difficult art, in which basic physical phenomena must not be overlooked.
Chip formation is the result of a multidisciplinary physical problem.
The intense stresses experienced by the cutting tool and material are directly conditioned by the effect of thermomechanical loading. This in turn depends on the mechanical characteristics of the material being machined, as well as on operating conditions (kinematics, operating parameters, type of assistance and operating conditions, etc.). Thus, an important step in machining consists in integrating the influence (see table of notations) :
thermomechanical loading (e.g: γ, ...
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- Grandeurs de base pour la coupe et la rectification. Partie 1 : Géométrie de la partie active des outils coupants. Notions générales, système de référence, angles de l'outil et angles de travail. Brise-copeaux. - NF ISO 3002-1 - Décembre 1993
- Définitions de base pour la coupe et la rectification. Partie 2 : Géométrie de la partie active des outils coupants. Formules de conversion générales...
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