4. Different standardization channels
National standards can be developed in one of three ways.
International sector
Any ISO standard can be included in the catalog of French standards, and is then indexed NF ISO XXXX. The same standard adopted by the German member will be called DIN ISO XXXX; it is often in English and sometimes translated into German. This adoption of the international standard at French level is entirely optional and depends on both the content of the standard and the profession concerned.
As ISO standards are taken over by CEN, this international channel loses its importance.
European sector
Under the agreements signed with CEN, all European standards must be adopted in the form of national standards, and in France they carry...
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Different standardization channels
European directives and circulars
- directive du Conseil, du 20 juin 1991, modifiant la directive 89/392/CEE concernant le rapprochement des législations des États membres relatives aux machines. (Risques spécifiques liés à la mobilité et au levage des charges). Publiée au Journal officiel des Communautés européennes n° L 198 du 22 juillet 1991 et rectificatif n° L 305 du 6 novembre 1991. - Directive 91/368/CEE : -
- directive du Conseil,...
French laws, decrees and orders
Law no. 91-1414 of December 31, 1991 amending the Labor Code and the Public Health Code in order to promote the prevention of occupational risks and transposing European directives on occupational health and safety. Published in the Journal officiel de la République française of January 7, 1992.
Décret n° 92-765 du 29 juillet 1992 déterminant les équipements de travail et moyens...
Afnor standardization
- Mémorandum sur la normalisation en matière de santé et de sécurité destinée à appuyer les directives « Nouvelle Approche ». Application au domaine des machines. - E09-000 - avril 1993
Standards bodies
Association française de normalisation (Afnor) http://www.afnor.fr
Union de normalisation de la mécanique (UNM) http://www.unm.fr
Union technique de l'électricité (UTE) http://www.ute-fr.com
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