Research and innovation | REF: RE177 V1

Neutron detection of illicit materials with the Associated Particle Technique

Authors: Bertrand PEROT, Guillaume SANNIE

Publication date: February 10, 2015

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The Associated Particle Technique (APT) is a fast neutron interrogation method allowing elemental characterization of bulk materials in 3D. It can be used as a second-level inspection complementary to X-ray imaging, which is used as first level inspection to detect a suspicious item in luggage or a container, to confirm and identify the nature of a threat. APT can thus detect explosives, illicit drugs, chemical agents and nuclear materials at different points in the security chain (public areas, seaports, borders, etc.).

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  • Bertrand PEROT: Doctorate in physics - CEA international expert in nuclear measurements - CEA, DEN, Cadarache, nuclear measurement laboratory, France

  • Guillaume SANNIE: CEA engineer, European project coordinator - CEA, DRT, LIST, Saclay, sensors and electronic architectures laboratory, France


Key points

Field: Nuclear measurements

Degree of technology diffusion: Emergence | Growth | Maturity

Technologies involved: Neutron interrogation, gamma spectrometry, neutron coincidence

Applications: mainly the detection of illicit materials (explosives, drugs, toxic chemicals, nuclear materials), potentially the nuclear industry (characterization of radioactive waste, dismantling, process control).

Main French players :

Competitive clusters: Risks

Competence centers: CEA DEN Cadarache, nuclear measurements laboratory; CEALIST Saclay, sensors and electronic architectures laboratory; CEA DAM DIF, nuclear measurements and processing laboratory; CEA DAM DSNP, security and non-proliferation department;

Manufacturers: SODERN

Contact: [email protected]

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Neutron detection of illicit materials using the associated particle technique