2. Modeling composite materials
2.1 Defining composite media
Electromagnetic composites generally correspond to systems made up of several components , usually a dielectric, semiconductor or metallic matrix, which determines their mechanical and thermal properties, and inclusions which modify the electromagnetic properties of the whole. The inclusions are generally very small compared to the wavelength of use, and separated by small distances compared to this same wavelength. They can be arranged randomly in the matrix, as in figure
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Modeling composite materials
Software tools
There are several software tools available for solving Maxwell's equations, either general numerical calculation software (Matlab, Scilab, Octave...), or more specialized software (Ansys, Comsol, CST, Quickfield...). Some are chargeable, others are available free of charge.
Paid tools (some of these products have free student versions) :
[Europe 2010] Nanostructured Metamaterials https://ec.europa.eu/research/industrial_technologies/pdf/metamaterials-brochure_en.pdf
Meta Conference http://metaconferences.org/ocs/index.php/META17/META17#.Wk0FiN_iaUk
Metamaterials2017 Conference http://congress2017.metamorphose-vi.org/
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
For information on composite electromagnetic materials and metamaterials, please consult the websites of manufacturers such as :
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