3. Business and strategic intelligence
3.1 Elements of history
Historically, commercial intelligence was the basis of what was to become business intelligence. Societies, organized into families or communities, produced what their members needed to live. Craftsmen sold what they made. It was only much later that the Cretans began to trade in fabrics, wood, wine, weapons and so on. Whether exploring new territories or seeking out new commercial or political arenas, the search for information has always been part of our daily lives
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International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC), Lille, January 22-23, 2019,
Etats généraux de la robotique. Challenges and prospects for the Robotics sector. Euroexpo, Lyon, March 5-8, 2019.
Action de l'État en matière d'intelligence économique, Circulaire du Premier Ministre du 15 septembre 2011, circulaire n° 5554/SG.
Décret n° 2011-1425 du 2 novembre 2011 portant application de l'article 413-7 du code pénal et relatif à la protection du potentiel scientifique et technique de la nation; Journal officiel de la République Française du 04 novembre 2011.
Decree no....
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
APUI Agence de placement universitaire internationale
ACN Alliance for Digital Trust
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