3. Research environment (simplified presentation)
Research is highly diverse, ranging from the so-called "hard" sciences (physics, chemistry, etc.) to the so-called "soft" sciences (humanities), with a variety of objectives ranging from the acquisition of knowledge with no stated purpose (fundamental research), to work that can be put to good use in industry (applied or operational research).
In terms of funding, a distinction is made between "public" research, funded by the State and local authorities, and private research (funded by companies), although recent developments (Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR)) have led to a mix of public and private funding (Decree no. 2006-963 of August 1 er 2006).
French public research, overseen by the Direction Générale de la Recherche et de l'Innovation...
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Research environment (simplified presentation)
Aeres – Agency for the evaluation of research and higher education http://www.aeres-evaluation.fr
ANR – French National Research Agency http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr
Standards and norms
- Quality management systems – Requirements, Éd. AFNOR - ISO 9001 - 2008
- Quality in research – General principles and recommendations, Éd. AFNOR - FD X50-550 - 2001
- Quality in research – Recommandations pur l'organisation et la réalisation d'une activité de recherche en mode projet notamment dans le cadre d'un réseau, Éd. AFNOR - FD X50-551 - 2003
- Guide d'application de l'ISO 9001 dans les organismes...
Loi organique n° 2001-692 du 1 er août 2001 relative aux lois de finances.
French Finance Act no. 2004-1484 of December 30, 2004.
Law n° 2006-450 of April 18, 2006 on research programs.
Law no. 2007-1199 of August 10, 2007 on university freedoms and responsibilities.
Décret n° 2006-963...
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