4. Sizing the main devices
We'll mention four: the Archimedean screw, the bucket elevator, the mass elevator conveyor and the belt conveyor.
It's up to the manufacturer to calculate the unit, but when planning a project, it's essential to be able to quickly check the unit's dimensional characteristics. For this reason, we provide the reader with simple formulas for calculating the main quantities: flow rate and power to be installed.
4.1 Archimedes screw conveyor
Let's not forget that its driving principle is the rotor or propeller. Through the combined action of its rotation and gravity, the rotor moves the product forward in the trough.
Flow calculation Q (m 3 /h)...
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Sizing the main devices
FEM Rules - Section II: Continuous handling of bulk products (European Federation of Materials Handling) http://www.fem-eur.com
- Terminologie illustrée : manutention mécanique des produits en vrac - FEM 2111 - 1978
Characteristics of bulk products
- Influence des propriétés des produits en vrac sur la conception des élévateurs à godets - FEM 2123 - 1989
- Influence...
(Non-exhaustive list)
Boubiéla (F)
Beumer (D)
Kléber Colombes (bands)
Louise (Archimedes screw)
CVSA (Archimedean screws, special screw heaters/coolers)
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