1. Managing a production line with constant work-in-progress
1.1 Effects of the MRP approach
Since its invention in 1964 by Orlicky , the principle of material requirement planning (MRP) has become the benchmark method for planning and managing production systems. This MRP (Material Requirement Planning) technique is associated with a "push-flow" logic, which consists of loading workshops with the production orders required to ensure the parts requirements arising from demands for finished products and spare parts, as well as safety stock requirements. This method is so widespread that it has become a virtually indispensable component of today's...
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Managing a production line with constant work-in-progress
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WIPSIM ©: Work In Process SIMulation: production line design software in CONWIP mode http://www.wipsim.fr
CONWIP flow control website http://www.conwip.com
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