4. The challenge of authentication on the Internet
4.1 Issues
The challenge of ensuring secure authentication of parties exchanging information over the Internet is becoming ever more pressing as the world's online activities continue to grow:
In order to eliminate fraud and identity theft, there is a great need to significantly increase the level of confidence in online user authentication;
In order to seize new service opportunities and adapt to the mobile lifestyle, connected electronic devices are constantly appearing on the market, serving both businesses and individuals;
To keep pace with this trend, specialized companies are adding more and more costly technologies to contain threats. Often, these architectures...
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The challenge of authentication on the Internet
Security and information systems conference https://www.lesassisesdelasecurite.com/
SSTIC – Symposium on information and communications technology security https://www.sstic.org/2017/news/
Standards and norms
- Cartes d'identification. Cartes à circuit(s) intégré(s) à contacts. Partie 1 : caractéristiques physiques - ISO/CEI 7816-1 - 1998
- Identification cards. Integrated circuit cards. Part 2: contact cards – Contact dimensions and locations - ISO/CEI 7816-2 - 2007
ANSSI – Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information (French national agency for information systems security)
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