1. Contamination under thermodynamic control: effect of the partition coefficient
1.1 Definitions
1.1.1 Microscopic description of thermodynamic equilibrium
Noting the packaging, P, and the food, F, thermodynamic equilibrium corresponds to a situation where the cumulative free energy of P and F, noted G P+F , is minimal, and characterizes the state towards which the packaging-food system spontaneously evolves when P and F are placed in contact. It corresponds to thermal, mechanical and chemical equilibrium between the two compartments. At uniform pressure...
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Contamination under thermodynamic control: effect of the partition coefficient
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European Commission
Regulations https://european-union.europa.eu/priorities-and-actions/actions-topic/food-safety_fr
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European physicochemical properties database project:
TF-MATHMOD project, a follow-up to the European working group SMT-CT-98 9513 http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/jrc/downloads/jrc_country_leaflet_fr_fr.pdf
International Congress on Health Safety
4 th International Symposium on Food Packaging – Scientific Developments Supporting Safety and Quality http://europe.ilsi.org/events/upcoming/4thfoodpckg.htm
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